The H-Bomb
For some time now, the term “N bomb” has exploded with regard to black America. N bomb is a euphemism for the highly repugnant and totally unacceptable six letter racist slur beginning with the latter n, ending with the letter r and containing a double g in the middle.
It appears to me that while not entirely similar, there is also a bomb that has exploded with regard to the Jewish community. It is known as the “H bomb”. The “H” bomb is a euphemism for the highly repugnant and totally unacceptable referencing of the Holocaust. For example, saying that Hitler was a man with great ideas would be dropping the “H bomb”, resulting in an uproar on the part of American Jews and in all probability Jewish communities around the world as well. Other examples of dropping the “H bomb” would be: the Jews of Europe deserved what was in store for them or had the Holocaust been a greater success, there would be no Palestinian problem today.
Last week, the “H bomb” was dropped in London, England, when Ken Livingstone, former mayor of London, suggested that Hitler at one time had supported Zionism. Faster than you could say Petach Tikvah, Mr. Livingstone was suspended from Britain’s Labour Party. Yasher Koach, especially since this was not the first time Mr. Livingstone made an irresponsible as well as a reprehensible remark related to the Holocaust. In February 2005, Oliver Finegold, a reporter for the Evening Standard, attempted to ask Livingstone a question on the street. Aware that Mr. Finegold was Jewish, Mr. Livingstone accused him of acting “Just like a Concentration Camp guard”.
In addition to the “H bomb”, I cannot help but feel that an “I bomb” exists as well. The “I bomb” operates entirely differently from the “H bomb”. The “I bomb” can be dropped with abandon as well as with impunity. There is little or no recourse to one who drops the “I bomb”. One may drop the “I bomb” with all the recklessness one can muster. Ironically, a good many will come to the defense of the “I bomber”. One drops the “I Bomb” by making irresponsible as well as preposterous remarks against Israel. Can you imagine if, instead of saying Hitler was a Zionist, Mr. Livingstone accused Israel of killing 10,000 innocent Palestinians living in Gaza as one presidential aspirant recently did? There would not be a scintilla of protest. Can you imagine if, instead of likening a reporter to a Concentration Camp guard, Mr. Livingstone had accused Mr. Finegold of acting just like an Israeli settler living in “occupied territory”? Not one eyebrow would have been raised; not a single word of protest would have been spoken.
This Thursday, we show both reverence to those who perished in the Holocaust as well our deepest respect to those who somehow managed to survive the Holocaust. Perhaps the most meaningful commemoration on our parts would be to remind the world that if we truly wish to pay homage to the six million, then one besmirches and sullies their memory when one besmirches and sullies their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and other family members living in Israel. If the “H bomb” is met with indignity and furor, the “I bomb” ought to be treated in the exact same fashion.