Funeral Services & Burial Plots
Grief Support
When death is imminent, families and friends need comfort, support, care, and guidance, which Tiferet Israel’s community can provide. The time of bereavement is difficult. Rabbinic guidance is available by Rabbi Shawn Zell, who has also written a book for what to say when you enter a shiva home. When you lose a loved one we are here with daily minyans, community support and any other help you may need.
Burial Plots
Planning for death can be a daunting and scary task, yet once decided can spare your loved ones considerable cost and heartache by attending to the details in advance. We have grave sites available for both members and non-members (proof of Judaism required).
We are here to support you.
If you are interested in purchasing a burial plot, please call the office at 214-691-3611.