Yours truly is up in arms that Jewish groups are up in arms. Pope Francis has recently taken a step that will move Cardinal August Hlond closer to sainthood. Cardinal Hlond was the highest-ranking church official in Poland from 1926 until his death in 1948. What exactly did Cardinal do or say that has raised the ire of Jewish groups? […]


Back in the day, Jews living outside Israel – especially Jews in these United States – discovered a new vitamin. It was assigned the name Vitamin I. Although Vitamin I was not available in any Drug Store, or through any pharmaceutical firm, it was believed that Vitamin I (“I” stands for Israel) was just “what the doctor ordered” for any […]

Cheap Jew

A resident of a shtetl east of Terrell came up to me as I was standing at a display in the Perot Science Museum last week (my grandchildren were visiting). What developed into a most interesting conversation for both of us began with his approaching me and initiating the it in the following manner: “I have a question I would […]