Kfar Kitvin is an 87 year old Moshav, a stone’s throw from Netanya, a thriving city on the Mediterranean between Tel Aviv and Haifa. To the best of my knowledge, until last week, Kfar Vitkin had made the news only once. Back in July 1948, the Atalena, an Irgun ship filled with ammunition, docked at Kfar Vitkin for a very brief time, until it had to pull up anchor. The ship then headed for Tel Aviv, where it was summarily destroyed by the nascent Israeli army. Kfar Vitkin evokes bitter memories of David Ben Gurion butting heads with Menachem Begin – Jew against Jew.

Recently, Kfar Vitkin was in the news again. It appears to be yet another story of Jew against Jew, given the paucity of neo-Nazis in the area, as well as in all Israel. A week ago Saturday, Omri Kessler woke up only to discover that overnight, the family dog had been sprayed with a swastika. If any Jew wishes to send a message of great displeasure to his co-religionist neighbor, then he ought to be careful how he wades into the domain of the Third Reich.

Schweinhund! Swastikas are the sole domain of Nazis, neo-Nazis, and other pure-blooded Aryans. On a good day, moronic anti-Semites, as well as school age children who are at par with moronic anti-Semites in that they have no idea whatsoever as to the meaning of the swastika, might also have the blessings of the Third Reich to deface objects with swastikas. But for a Jew to paint a swastika on an object, whether animate or inanimate, is totally verboten.  Gott in Himmel! This is what happens when society becomes overly tolerant. It’s bad enough Jews sullied Germany in the 1930s with their mere presence. Now these Jews must sully the swastika that has has been sacrosanct to Nazis by painting it on a dog. How dare those Jews!

Speaking of dogs, doesn’t this miscreant who defaced the Kessler dog have any reverence for the life of an animal? The only thing that could be worse than spray-painting poor Schnuckiputzi (cutie pie) would be if the Kessler hound was a Doberman or a German Sheppard. Nazis sure did love their Dobermans and German Shepherds! In fact, as far as Nazis were concerned, any mutt off the street had far more worth than even the noblest Jew. I recall watching a short documentary of Nazis herding Jewish children into a mobile killing unit, only to interrupt the “final solution” so that a Nazi soldier could retrieve a German Sheppard that, together with other trained canines, was nipping at the legs of the children and in the process had mistakenly followed the children into the van. It was simply unconscionable for a Nazi soldier to let a poor dog meet the same fate as the wretched Jew children. Anyone who would dare deface a dog is deserving of being called Schweinehund!

“Don’t get mad, get even” is a quote attributed to the late Robert (Bobby) Kennedy. “Schweinehundt!” Adolph would have responded. “You Americans and you Israelis! You Fiji Islanders and you Liberians! You don’t know what mad is. If you want to see madness, then you must watch the way, I (Hitler) am depicted in the 2004 movie ‘Downfall’! Why my anger tantrum is so effective that it has spawned a number of parodies. Nothing gets people to quake in their boots more than being the target of the rants of an infuriated madman.  Only a dummkopf would spritz a swastika on a dog, not realizing that a spittle-flecked tirade of a madman, impossible to placate, would be far more effective.”

Can you just imagine if the aggrieved Kfar Vitkinite responsible for the swastika would have appeared at the doorstep of the Kessler residence and exploded into a harangue of a Nazi madman, all the while holding the pooch by the scruff of the neck? Omri Kessler would have immediately decided that it wasn’t worth it to leave the dog unchained. If there were other Kfar Vitkinites who felt the same way about the dog, the “madman” would have instantly become a hero.

How can Jews possibly decry swastikas when they use the same shape to get a message across? How can Jews possibly spray paint a dog with a swastika when they are totally ignorant of the canine’s political beliefs? How can Jews respond in such a ridiculous fashion when unbridled anger, while even more ridiculous, has proven to be far more effective?

*Schweinehund is a German infinitely potent expletive for calling someone a piece of garbage.