Chanukah 2021
Eighty people attended Tiferet Israel’s annual lighting of the Malka Menorah on Sunday evening, December 5th. The beautiful mosaic menorah was constructed by Michael Malka in memory of his father, Reb Ytzhak Malka, z”l, who served as Tiferet Israel’s Ritual Director for over twenty years.
President Shirley Rovinsky welcomed congregants, children, grandchildren, and guests who joined in the celebration as the lights on the menorah were lit following Mincha and Maariv services led by Rabbi Meir Sabo. Following the lighting, there was a Sing Along with Rabbi Meir and Sarit Sabo and goodies in addition to the complimentary latke boxes to-go, sufganiyot, and hot apple cider. Visiting continued long after the lighting of the menorah.
The program was chaired by Steve Goldfine and Hanna Lambert assisted by Tina Israel, Ed Jerome, and Naomi Sanit. Our thanks to Ed Jerome who provided the sufganiyot, to Steve Goldfine who provided the apple cider, and to Kaila Butterfield, our office manager for her help. Tiferet Israel is planning more opportunities to get together in 2022.