As a rabbi, I have maintained that neither the pulpit nor written communication is the place for political commentary or viewpoint. Consequently, I take great issue with clergy – rabbis, priests, ministers – who use their position to espouse political views. With separating children from parents at the border having been resolved last week, I continue to remain resolved to […]


If Not Now is an American Jewish progressive activist group opposing the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The If Not Now movement consists of young Jewish Americans who demonstrate against politicians, US Government policies, and Jewish institutions perceived to support the “apartheid” behavior of Israel toward the Palestinians, primarily through direct action and media appearances. If […]


Farfetched, it isn’t. In fact, it’s quite tempting. The more I think about it, the more I am drawn to construct a course entitled Judaism is Dangerous. As such, I am indebted to Reverend Shelton Gibbs, III; Pulpit minister of Greenville Church of Christ in nearby Richardson, who recently advertised an upcoming course on “Dangerous Isms,” where Judaism appeared alongside […]


“The die has long since been cast; the fight will take place. The Jews with their backs to the sea, fighting for their very homes, with 101 percent morale, will accept no compromise.” These words were written mere weeks before Israeli independence was declared and its people having to fight for their very existence in the concomitant War of Independence. […]