Contrary to what many of us have been led to believe, health may not necessarily be the most important thing. Perhaps guarding one’s tongue and taking care of what comes forth from the mouth is the most important thing. Strange but true, saying stupid things has made more people “sick” than dangerously harmful bacteria and harmfully dangerous viruses. I find […]


It would be interesting to find out how many Israelis are aware or care that election day coincided with St. Patrick’s Day. It would be astounding to find out how many Israelis are familiar with the saying Luck of the Irish or its Yiddish counterpart A glick hot mir getroffen. Because when all is said and done, that’s what Tuesday’s […]

And So My Fellow Jews…

It was bound to happen. Among the countless “post mortem” articles to come out in the aftermath of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to Congress last week, was one that maintained that as much the invitation to the Israeli leader was a well-intended “potch in Ponim” (slap in the face) to the President, it was also a outpouring of support and […]


Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines humiliation as the act of destroying the self-respect of another person. Given the sensitivities of contemporary western society, there are few sins more egregious than humiliation. As such, the Palestinians “hit it out of the ball park” when they latched on to their mantra: “living under Israeli occupation is utter humiliation.” “Humiliation” has become the […]